In the last couple of weeks we have reached a compromise. I gave up my cheerful little sunny yellow room, with a nice closet, for the two back rooms. The back rooms have No Storage, so again with IKea, and this time I built bookcases. I already had the plastic tubs for storage of all my valuable junk, so I am making them work for now. I got a table to work on as well as the counter, and the room is almost filled up. The table can be folded and put away. And now I am working on my felting again, and paring down the junk
And now the latest on the Clay Ball. My friend and I have been like a couple of little girls, ordering dresses, getting shoes, and oh yes, those lovely things that fit like a huge girdle that pull you in in every direction, Spanks. Getting the things on is a real adventure!!!
The brown-gold shawl below is one I made for my friend to go with her brown gown. It looks great on her. It is merino wool over yummy silk. It turned out so pretty. The poncho below is also made with merino over a great silk. For that one I took apart a couple of other things and remade them into this poncho. I am doing that with a few of my older garments.
The folks organizing the ball want me to model the jackety-shawl in the live auction. The other jacket will be in the silent auction. I have also volunteered to do some chores like set up and greeting people at the door. I love that kind of stuff.
I got a red mannequin to put the jacket on during the silent auction. I had been needing one anyway and decided that this would be a good time. Red was one of the choices, and I thought that she would go well with Big Red. They can keep each other company. Well, I have been rambling on, just wanted to catch up since I seem to only get to this rarely lately. Love and hugs to all my blogger buddies out there.